The popular informal performance gathering of PAR PODS begins again this fall on Wednesday, September 14th at 7 pm at St. Matthew Lutheran Church located on Canyon Road, east of Hwy 217 in Beaverton.
Those who have taken my Performance Anxiety Rehab Workshop (PAR) are familiar with the concepts that we work towards in these informal meetings. But you don’t need to be a seasoned veteran of PAR or even the stage. You don’t even need to be a guitarist, or a classical musician – just interested in understanding how to cure the affects of performance anxiety, or you just want to be an audience member, (musician or not!).You can feel free to attend and be guided by the group or just observe! (Performance space is limited though).
We’ll have a brief introduction, you’ll sign up for a slot and away we go. Those who are experienced will announce what Performance Directive they have been working on and what percentage of time they feel they achieved their objective in practice.
One of the most important aspects of the PAR PODS is the immediate feedback you get from your fellow members. If we are truly ‘in the zone’ we are inhibited from judging and so while we might be performing at a much higher level its often difficult to judge those results. It’s the other members who will be able to give you feedback regarding when you seemed to be ‘in the zone’ or not. This gives the player critical information as to whether they were as successful at achieving the performance goals in practice as they perceived.
So please contact me HERE if you want to attend and I’ll let you know if there is still space! Thanks to Ken Ewing, by the way, for setting this up. And Ken, there’s always space for you!
Okay – Lee, Judy, Ken – you’re in! So thats a classical guitarist, vocalist and steel string player – already interesting!
I’m in!
Karla – GREAT! I’ll be writing everyone with instructions – I guess I should have asked everyone to let me know if they are planning to play or audit.
I’m very excited to share a new performance anxiety rehab technique with you! I used this in my performances with Europe to great success. It’s simple, everyone can do it, and the difference will surprise you. See you Wednesday!