The Kritzer Method

The Kritzer Method is a comprehensive approach for the classical guitarist who wants to improve from the beginning stages to the performance stage. My method is broken into three phases. All chapters of each phase are written and supplemented with video instruction. Each chapter will also include a practice-along-with-Scott video. Especially important in Phase I.

Phase I Primarly Skills Development

Phase I covers sitting, right and left hand positions as well as basic proper movement and movement Flexedforms. The classical guitarist’s repertoire is broken down to less than a dozen right hand movement forms. The first 19 chapters of Phase I cover the technical foundation you’ll need to master these movement forms.  The final chapters deal primarily with integrating these movement forms into repertoire.

At the end of Phase I you’ll also have a powerful 10-15 minute technical daily practice plan that will be important for further development of your technical skills.

Phase II Secondary Skills (to be released in 2019)

Angled HeadstockSecondary skills are often the skills that differentiate the more from the less refined player. Vibrato, voice balancing, slurs, etc. are skills that will be carefully ntegrated into your ‘skill set’. Once integrated you’ll be prompted to return to them quarterly for a tune-up. All easily managed in your private online practice plan.

Phase III Practice Directives (to be released in 2019)3:4

Applied only to repertoire these practice directives will help develop your repertoire in four key areas; technical; music memorization; musicianship and performance.

Who would benefit

While I believe that this method would benefit every player it certainly isn’t for every temperament. So what kind of temperament would benefit from this method? This information tends to be assimilated by those of you who, despite hard work, have been frustrated with a lack of progress.

One must possess patience and discipline. Frankly, none of this information will benefit you much without a consistency in your practice. (I can’t imagine any teacher disagreeing with this). But if you have been fairly consistent and can’t progress then perhaps the input is at fault and you need help. Skill level has very little to do with it. Whatever your talent I can help you reach your potential.

As your teacher I will challenge you to assimilate this information on both an intellectual as well as physical level. I will push you a little harder than you think you deserve. I can also assure that I have been through, survived, and succedded in conquering the factors that I felt unnaturally limited my playing and thus, I do have compassion.

Formats of Instruction

Scott Kritzer offers a number of learning formats for the serious classical guitar student. Private InstructionSemi-Private or Group LessonsWorkshops/Master ClassesPhasesare available for both local and remote students. Kritzer’s teaching culminates in his annual Classical Guitar Immersion held the third week of June in Portland, Oregon.

For information on Classical Guitar Immersion go to CGI.


2 Responses to The Kritzer Method

  1. Ron Murray says:

    I am a victim of focal dystonia, and my recovery process is being coached by Jerald Harscher of Cambridge, MA, who is a recognized “expert”, having cured himself by immersion in body mapping and the study of anatomy as applied in Alexander and similar techniques. Before I was stricken some 12 years ago, I had studied with John Williams, Oscar Ghiglia, Alexamdre Lagoya, Alice Artzt, Fred Hand and Paco Pena, and I have been a pro performer and teacher for over 40 years (in the jazz field, primarily). I am making real progress towards recovering my facility studying with Jerald, but I am enjoying your rather sane approach on the Delcamp forums, so I have come to your site to glean what I can about “systematic” practice, which I am well into, but can always learn more. I will undertake a Skype lesson eventually, but I just wanted to say Hi.


  2. admin says:


    Sorry to hear that you’re experiencing focal dystonia but I’m glad that you are tackling the problem. I think, more than any other classical music instrument, the classical guitarist is expected to traverse through myriad of theories regarding technique, that when compared to a systematic, bio mechanically based approach, almost sound like witch doctor remedies. Some of the very best players in our time have gone down early due to lack of attention to these details. How sad it was for me to hear Julian Bream (one of my heroes) state that he understands music unlike any other time in his life yet he can’t play it.

    I don’t profess to make us all sound like the greats that you have studied with but to allow each person to master the instrument and by that I mean play at the highest level possible, given our talent.

    Keep me posted and the best of luck Ron.


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