Monthly Master Class Groups

Monthly Master Class Groups are a unique form of semi-independent study for the student of the classical guitar. Perhaps you’re too busy for weekly lessons and the practice time that comes with that
commitment. Or perhaps you can’t afford the cost of private lessons. With my monthly Master Class both performers and auditors will get clear practice directives that help insure motivated and disciplined practice sessions between our Monthly Master Classes. And participants can stay in contact through my Forum – reporting on progress and offering observations throughout the month.

OImage 5-24-16 at 12.47 PM copyur Monthly Master Classes will consist of 3 performers (there can be different performers each time) and up to 4 auditors. Both performers and auditors can be local or remote students. I’ll be keeping the classes small to allow for more attention to each participant. My hope is that each class consists of the same core people, month to month.

I’ll work with each performer covering topics from Image 5-23-16 at 10.21 AM copytechnique, performance anxiety, practice directives, or effective ways to practice. In many cases I’ll be able to provide you with written and video support materials to support what was covered in class. While these concepts will be directed towards the performers the auditors will be encouraged to choose 3 ideas covered in the master class to work on for the following class.

The 90 min class will include a 15 min introduction which consists of student news and updates on how things progressed over the previous weeks. Then we will proceed with 3 performers. Finally the class will conclude with a 15 min Q & A and assignments will be confirmed. I’ll encourage you to check in and report on your progress in my Forum.

How to Register

Simply contact me and I’ll let you know when the next Master Class is scheduled. The classes will be held on Saturdays (individual dates to be determined) from 2:00-3:30 pm. Performer fees are $45 and auditor fees $20.

If you want to know more about how to prepare for a Master Class please see my article This article will be helpful for both performers and auditors.

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