Classical Guitar Immersion 2014 Preparation

Classical Guitar Immersion – 2014
June 13th-20th, 2014
Menucha Retreat and Conference Center
38711 East Historic Columbia River Hwy
Corbett, OR 97019-0008
Phone: 503-695-2243 (9:00 am – 5:00 pm PST, weekdays)
Fax: 503-695-2223

CGI is an immersion experience where 7 guitarists join me for a week of classical guitar study on the historic Columbia River Gorge at the Menucha Retreat and Conference Center. Our emphasis is on preparation for performance.

Seven seems to be the perfect number of participants; everyone gets more individual lesson time in masterclasses, we have more free time built into the schedule and each performer gets the opportunity to perform two pieces.

All classes take place in Creevey Hall. This is a great facility; large and comfortable.

A detailed schedule for the week can be found by going to the link above and scrolling down to the schedule.

Each student should submit 2 prepared pieces of any difficulty level, in the range of 2-5 minutes per piece for our final concert on Thursday, June 19th at the Community Music Center located at 3350 SE Francis in Portland, Oregon.

In addition, one of your works will be performed on Wednesday, June 18th, in Creevey Hall on the grounds of Menucha. This is an informal dress rehearsal. I will tape this performance and we’ll review your performance that evening.

An alternate piece of 2-5 minutes should also be prepared.

In addition we will be working on ensemble music, some of which will be part of our final concert.

CGI Format Changes
All remains the same as on the schedule this year with the addition of pre-CGI preparation, new learning tools and simple stretches and movements that will enhance our learning experience.

First, we’ll be choosing our repertoire ahead of CGI, (I’ll help you with this over the next few weeks). Once the repertoire is chosen we will begin working on practice directives that I provide every two weeks leading up to CGI. These practice directives are part of my upcoming book Phase III Practice Directives and will focus on the areas of memory, technical advancement and musicianship. This will prepare each student for the week of immersion where we will tighten up any loose ends and begin working on performance practice directives.

Each student should bring an SD Card and a device, (tablet or laptop) with an SD card slot or configuration.

I will video tape each lesson, on your SD card, and make that available to you after each lesson. You can watch or download the video.

In an effort to combat muscle and mental fatigue I’ll be teaching you hand and arm stretches. We’ll also learn a series of short functional movements that will not only help revitalize the back and shoulders but also reset the negative affects of sitting.

Every year at CGI we cover a slightly different overall subject. This year we’re going to be talking about Function and Demand as it relates to practice. More on that later…

Housing and Meals
Each participant will have a private room and bathroom/shower and a shared small living room area. In addition we have private access to a large kitchen complete with microwave, coffee machine and refrigerator. Participants can bring snacks and drinks and store them in Creevey which is locked each night.

We will meet in Wright Hall each day for meals. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are covered each day except for Friday, June 13th (dinner only), Thursday, June 19th, (breakfast and lunch only) and Friday, June 20th (breakfast only).

We will sign up for servers (each meal needs to have one of us be at the dining hall in Wright Hall 10 minutes prior to each meal) and assign rooms on the afternoon of Friday, June 13th.

Alternate diets can be accommodated at an additional cost of $38.00 (payable to me). An extensive list of options are available. For more information, and to request an alternate diet, go to Alternate Diet Online Form. (Deadline is May 16th).

General Info
Menucha is a great place for doing some simple hiking. The hiking trails are relatively flat but you can find some hills. There are tennis and basketball courts as well as an outdoor (unheated) swimming pool.

The weather can be a little rainy, usually some nice weather but of course dress in layers. Bug repellant is not a bad idea for our annual outdoor fireplace night.

There are no phones or TVs in the rooms and wifi is rather slow but available.

Getting to Menucha
I want everyone to arrive no later than 4:00 pm on Friday, June 13th. We will form a carpool made of up local students who can pick-up and drop off those flying into Portland International Airport.

Students should plan on staying through Friday morning if possible.

Please send me the following to help coordinate your arrival:
Projected arrival time (local or remote students)
Cell phone number
Air travelers should also send your itinerary including arrival and departure times and flight numbers. (I’ll coordinate pick-ups and get everyone in contact with each other the week before)

Final Fee for CGI Due: April 2nd
Repertoire Due April 10th
Ensemble Piece to be Sent April 10th
Alternate Dietary Requests Due: May 16th
Travel Itineraries Due: June 1st

Post your thoughts below!!

Scott Kritzer

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8 Responses to Classical Guitar Immersion 2014 Preparation

  1. Yen says:

    Hi everyone,
    I was thinking what if we use Wednesday night to do a test run and perform for ourselves, just as if we were having a real program and have only one concert at Menucha. That will give us an extra day to learn with Scott and practice. I thought the atmosphere of our concert hall (at Menucha) last year was very warm and cozy. Plus, being able to perform right in our “home base” will save us a lot of time for traveling. What do you think and is this feasible Scott? Yen.

  2. admin says:

    Thanks Yen,

    Yes everyone, Yen is in!! I’m open to that. We could build it up bigger with the Menucha Community. What do you guys think?


  3. Tom says:

    Great to hear from you Yen!

    I’m not sure I understand the suggestion. Are you saying perform the whole concert at Menucha? For the other guests or just ourselves? Instead of the shortened concert for the other groups? I’m open to anything.

  4. Sue Williams says:

    Yea, Yen. Looking forward to seeing you again!

    I’m open to that proposal. It may be an issue of the length of time for the Menucha community, for an evening concert, where in the past (if I’m remembering right) we did a shortened program. It would certainly help us in the “focus” department to stayed concentrated on our music for a longer period of time.

  5. admin says:

    Good point Sue. I’d certainly want to produce a full length recital. I’ll contact Menucha to find out who will be there that week.

    Tom, I think we’d do the informal performance on Wednesday just for us (and the camera). We’d still review the recording and record the final program.


  6. Dave Lynam says:

    Since I’m a newby at this I’ll go with the majority! Looking forward to meeting all of you!

  7. admin says:

    Oh Dave, you don’t want to give in so easy with this crowd.


  8. Sue Williams says:

    Okay, Scott . . . . . now I’m starting to hyperventilate over your choice of the ensemble piece, ‘Pictures at an Exhibition’. How difficult will it be for the non-expert player (e.g., me) to learn in such a short period of time? I am familiar with the piece but not for guitar. Need some reassurances here . . . . . .