Press Materials

Kritzer Publicity 1
Once you’ve booked my concert you’ll be able to get a complete set of publicity materials online, when you need them. In addition, the materials are complete (some just need your local information) and ready for download. No more writing press releases or waiting for an artists’ photo. It’s all here ready to be used to help make our event a success!


Whether for your season brochure, program or your local media I provide both short and long biographies, online, ready for download!

Kritzer Biography Long
Kritzer Biography Medium
Kritzer Biography Short

Press Quotes

Choose from the following press quotes.
Scott Kritzer Press Quotes

Press Release and Public Service Announcement

I realize that writing press releases and public service announcements can be a time-consuming job. Screenshot 2017-01-13 10.51.08
With my pre-written material, you can simply fill in the blanks with your specific concert information (date, time, and location) or add your own personal style and expertise to my information. These are also available online and ready for download.

Kritzer Press Release 2018-19

Kritzer PSA 2018-19


The specific program for our event is online and ready for print. You just download, add the local information and print.

Publicity Photos

First rate photographs really do make a difference to newspaper editors. You will be provided photos from renowned photographer Hiroshi Iwaya that will make any newspaper editor take notice. These are available online so you can get them when you need them.


Direct Mailers and Posters

Coming soon…So handsome they draw attention in any window or mailbox. My direct mailers and posters are specifically designed make an immediate and long lasting impact on potential audience members. They are available online, you can choose the right one for you, add the local contact and event information, print and post.Screenshot 2017-01-13 10.42.34

Video Press Releases

Coming soon…Often people need a bit of prompting to attend a concert and these interest-creating quick hit videos will introduce my thoughts as well as performance excerpts of some of the works I’ll be performing for your community. Timed for specific release, these email campaigns can capture and keep your audience’s interest right up to our performance date!

Feature Stories

These feature stories will give your audience and local press more in depth insights about my concerts, teaching and career.
Tribune Story


I make it a policy to do everything possible to be available for interviews for the print media, in person or by phone, as well as ‘live’ radio and television appearances. With both my office and cell phone you’ll get me quickly – I promise a maximum one-day response time.

You Tell Me

I know that every community is unique and that every presenter has some interesting ideas on marketing to that community. My goal is to make the greatest impact possible. If you’ve got a new idea I’m more than willing to try it!

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